
Explore Choquequirao Wonderful with Our 4 Day Trek

Choquequirao Wonderful

Before: $ 465From: $ 455Per personGroup


With the “Choquequirao trekking 4D”, you will be able to walk along an inaccessible route and it is a unique adventure, it will become memorable. Choquequirao was also a fortress and a ceremonial center. The truth is that due to its hidden location in a high and distant mountain; it was a strategic point for various purposes in the time of the Incas.

CHOQUEQUIRAO, means Cradle of Gold in Quechua. It is an Inca urban center with features common to others more than Cusco, especially Machu Picchu. The resemblance to Machu Picchu is largely due to the resemblance of the geography of the place where the enclosure was built, according to various investigations, it would also be a fortress and a ceremonial center.

The truth is that due to its hidden location in a high and distant mountain; It was a strategic point for various purposes that over the years, like Machu Picchu was abandoned and covered by the jungle until its re-discovery. And unlike Machu Picchu, there is no train or bus to get to Choquequirao, the only way walking for 32 kilometers, that is 3 days full of beautiful landscapes.

With the “Choquequirao Trekking“, you will be able to walk an inaccessible route and your difficult adventure will become memorable and in the end you will realize that every step you took was worth it.


  • Cusco (3,399 masl)
  • Cachora (2, 900 masl)
  • Capuliyoc (2, 800 masl)
  • Chiquisca (1, 930 masl)
  • Chiquisca (1, 930 masl)
  • Santa Rosa (2, 095 masl)
  • Maranpata (2, 820 masl)
  • Choquequirao (3, 030 masl)





  • 05.30 hrs We will pick you up at the hotel in tourist transport and we go in our bus to the town of San Pedro de Cachora (2800 masl), a beautiful Andean town.
  • Along the way, we can enjoy a great diversity of landscapes that belong to different climates, such as the snowy Padriyoc, the flora and fauna of the Andean diversity that makes our trip beautiful.
  • From the cachora we start the 2 hours of walking, we will arrive at the viewpoint of Capuliyuc, from where we can observe the deepest canyon in the world, the Apurimac with the river of the same name at the bottom and it is also possible to see the first views of Choquequiraw.
  • We will continue descending to Chiquisqa, where we will have a short break, before arriving at our lunch place.
  • After lunch we will start with the last descent of the day, it will be approximately 2 hours towards the Playa Rosalina sector. Playa Rosalina is about 1800 meters above sea level. Near the Apurimac river “the sacred river”. Here we will spend the night.




  • After the organic breakfast, we will start climbing 2 hours to the small town of Santa Rosa – stopping point, we will have time to take a refreshing break and then we will continue the climb for 3 hours to Marampata where we will have lunch.
  • In Santa Rosa you can see up to five Spectacled Bears a month, these curious avocado-loving animals build platforms in the treetops to feed and rest without anyone disturbing them. The presence in nature of the spectacled bear, also known as the Andean bear, is key. It is an important seed disperser, favors the regeneration of wild flora and transports pollen in its dense fur.
  • During the hike we can enjoy the splendid Apurimac canyon, the Choquequirao mountain and other beautiful abrupt mountains, as well as hosting unique ecosystems, ranging from grasslands and dry forests to cloud forests.
  • In the heart of this protected area is one of the main attractions of the Cusco region, the inca citadel of Choquequirao. In this archaeological space the claw marks on the trees of the Inca terraces are proof that these mammals have been present for centuries.
    After lunch, the hike will be very smooth so we will arrive at the lost Inca city of Choquequirao.
  • The camp is off the Inca site with the possibility of watching the sunset and condors.




  • After having a delicious breakfast, we will start with our guide, the tour to Choquequiraw that will take approximately 2 hours.
  • We will visit the sectors where the flames are located, the Ceremonial Ushnu and the Religious Zone, later we will have free time in the lost Inca city is also considered as the sister of Machu Picchu.
  • Choquequirao, is located 1500 meters above the Apurimac Canyon, only a third of this Archaeological Complex has been discovered and still many archaeologists find something interesting every time.
  • Then we will have lunch in Choquequiraw and then descend to the fall of Pajchayoc. After visiting the site, we will have lunch to return to the Apurimac Canyon where we spend the night at a site called Chiquisca.




  • Today we will leave the camp very early. After breakfast, we will walk 4 hours uphill to Capuliyoc, if luck is with us, we will see some condors and eagles flying above us.
  • Here we will have the last lunch outdoors with your expedition team. This will be our last stop and then walk the last 2 hours until we reach Cachora. We will say goodbye to the muleteers and horses that accompanied us throughout the route. Afterwards, we will board the bus back to Cusco.



Este tour incluye

  • Traslados In/ Out
  • Transporte turístico Cusco/Capuliyuc
  • Guía de turismo de aventura de Choquequiraw trek
  • Entrada al sendero de Choquequiraw
  • Equipo de campamento: Carpas de comedor y cocina, mesas, sillas y equipo de cocina
  • 1 bolsa de lona, hasta 5 kg llevado por los caballos
  • Chef profesional de trekking con un asistente
  • Comidas: 3 desayunos, 3 almuerzos, 3 cenas (menús vegetarianos, veganos o especiales disponibles sin costo adicional)
  • Agua hervida: Desde su primer almuerzo hasta su último desayuno
  • Despertar con té: ¡Cada mañana en el campamento, te levantarás con una taza de té de coca! Nuestro personal llevará el té a su tienda de campaña.
  • Hora del té todos los días durante la caminata: Todas las tardes antes de la cena, los cocineros le darán a nuestra hora del té palomitas de maíz, galletas, café, chocolate caliente, té, agua caliente, etc.
  • Productos para la higiene: Se le proporcionará una toalla pequeña antes de cada comida para lavarse las manos y todas las mañanas también habrá un balde con agua tibia para lavar su higiene personal.
  • Kit médico y botella de oxígeno de emergencia.
  • Transporte turístico privado Capuliyoq/hotel

This tour includes

  • ROSALINA BEACH CAMP – 01 night
  • MARAMPATA CAMP – 01 night
  • CAMP CHIQUISCA – 01 night
  • Transfers In / Out
  • Tourist transport Cusco/Capuliyuc
  • Choquequiraw trek adventure tour guide
  • Entrance to the Choquequiraw trail
  • Camping equipment: Dining and kitchen tents, tables, chairs and cooking equipment
  • 1 duffel bag, up to 5 kg carried by the horses
  • Professional trekking chef with an assistant
  • Meals: 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 3 dinners (vegetarian, vegan or special menus available at no extra cost)
  • Boiled water: From your first lunch to your last breakfast
  • Waking up with tea: Every morning at camp, you’ll wake up with a cup of coca tea! Our staff will take the tea to your tent.
  • Tea time every day during the trek: Every afternoon before dinner, the cooks will give our tea time popcorn, biscuits, coffee, hot chocolate, tea, hot water, etc.
  • Hygiene products: You will be provided with a small towel before each meal to wash your hands and every morning there will also be a bucket with warm water to wash your personal hygiene.
  • Medical kit and emergency oxygen bottle.
  • Private tourist transport Capuliyoq/hotel

This tour does NOT include

  • Last Lunch
  • Sleeping bag
  • Canes
  • First breakfast and last lunch
  • Travel Insurance
  • Additional costs or delays beyond management’s control (scenery, bad weather, itinerary modification due to safety issue, illness, government policy change, political instability/strike, etc.)
  • Please note that our agency staff is well paid, so feel free to tip or not,
    “Recommendation 6.00 – 8.00 USD per day, per traveler for all walking staff” according to your satisfaction


  • Original passport
  • Small backpack
  • Rain Poncho
  • Good hiking pants, hiking boots
  • Hat and sunglasses
  • Camera and extra batteries
  • Insect repellent
  • Sunscreen
  • Trekking poles
  • Sleeping bags
  • Toiletries
  • Snacks: cereal bars, chocolates, cookies, nuts.
  • Cash: coins and small bills
  • Sleeping bags
  • Cap or hat
  • Trekking shoes
  • Trekking backpack
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Trekking pants
  • Rain poncho
  • Canteen with water
  • Water purification tablets
  • Sunscreen
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Toiletries
  • Snacks: cereal bars, chocolates, cookies, nuts.



Choquequirao trekking


Minimum 02 people


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Con un profundo conocimiento y experiencia en el país, te brindarán asesoramiento personalizado, recomendaciones de destinos y actividades, así como información detallada sobre la cultura, la historia y la gastronomía peruana. Ya sea que estés interesado en explorar las maravillas arqueológicas de Machu Picchu, navegar por el misterioso Lago Titicaca o descubrir la selva amazónica, nuestros asesores te guiarán para que vivas una experiencia inolvidable en Perú.

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En Cusco Tours Perú nos esforzamos en brindarte una experiencia única de viaje de la siguiente forma, la inmersión en la cultura local, la interacción con la naturaleza, la participación en actividades específicas, la degustación de la gastronomía local y el descubrimiento de lugares auténticos.

Creamos experiencias placenteras y enriquecedoras al ofrecer servicios como transporte, alojamiento, guías turísticos y actividades programadas. El objetivo es superar las expectativas del viajero y garantizar momentos significativos y memorables.

Además, proporcionamos valor sobre información local, recomendaciones, consejos de seguridad, acceso a lugares exclusivos y la oportunidad de conocer a otros viajeros con intereses similares.

En resumen, una experiencia de viaje implica un itinerario cuidadosamente diseñado, servicios organizados y la búsqueda de momentos únicos y significativos para los viajeros, brindándoles la oportunidad de disfrutar de un viaje inolvidable.

Responsabilidad Social

En Cusco Tours Perú, creemos en el poder de hacer una diferencia en la vida de los demás. Por cada viaje que realizas con nosotros, una parte de nuestras ganancias se destina a apoyar a niños de bajos recursos en la región.

Al elegir viajar con nosotros, no solo disfrutarás de una experiencia en Perú, sino que también contribuirás directamente a mejorar la calidad de vida de aquellos que más lo necesitan. (Revisar más sobre Proyección Social)

Compromiso con la sostenibilidad

Nos preocupamos por preservar el entorno natural y cultural de Perú y Machu Picchu. Trabajamos en colaboración con las comunidades locales, promoviendo el turismo sostenible y respetuoso con el medio ambiente. Nos esforzamos por minimizar nuestro impacto, fomentar prácticas responsables y educar a nuestros viajeros sobre la importancia de conservar la belleza natural de Perú.

Servicio personalizado

Valoramos a cada uno de nuestros clientes y nos esforzamos por brindar un servicio altamente personalizado. Desde el momento en que nos contactas, nos dedicamos a comprender tus necesidades y deseos específicos para crear un itinerario a medida.

Nuestro equipo estará contigo en cada paso del camino para asegurarse de que tengas una experiencia inolvidable de tu visita a Perú.

Excelentes críticas y reputación

Cusco Tours Perú ha recibido excelentes críticas de viajeros anteriores. Su compromiso con la calidad y el servicio al cliente ha ganado reconocimiento y reputación en la industria del turismo.

Estos testimonios auténticos reflejan la calidad y el impacto positivo que Cusco Tours Perú tiene en la vida de nuestros viajeros. Nos enorgullece ofrecer experiencias excepcionales y significativas en Machu Picchu.

Puedes leer testimonios y opiniones positivas de otros viajeros que han disfrutado de sus tours.

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Excelentes Colaboradores

Contamos con un equipo de guías expertos locales y apasionados que conocen a fondo cada sendero, paisaje y aspecto cultural de Machu Picchu.

Nuestra experiencia en viajes Culturales y de Aventura nos permite diseñar itinerarios emocionantes y personalizados, adaptados a tus preferencias y nivel de experiencia.

Getting to know Choquequirao Trekking

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Frequently asked questions from travelers

What does the name Choquequirao mean?

The name “Choquequirao” comes from the Quechua language. Where “Choque” means “gold” and “quirao” means “cradle”, so the name is translated into Spanish as “cradle of gold”.

It is believed that the name refers to the importance that Choquequirao had in the production of gold for the Inca Empire, since it was located in an area rich in minerals and natural resources. In addition, the name can also refer to the spiritual and religious importance that the city had, since gold was considered a sacred metal for the Incas and was used in many of their rituals and ceremonies.

What is the best time to travel to Cusco?

The best time to travel to Cusco is during the dry season, which runs from May to October. During this period, the weather is generally dry and sunny, with daytime temperatures ranging between 18°C and 22°C. The nights can be quite cold, with temperatures dropping around 5°C, especially in June and July.

The rainy season in Cusco runs from November to March, and during this period you can expect regular rains, especially in January and February. The rains can be intense and can cause disruptions in transport and tourist activities.

Keep in mind that, although the dry season is the best time to visit Cusco in terms of climate, it is also the busiest time in terms of tourism.

What to see in Choquequirao?

Choquequirao has several Inca constructions, among the most important we have:

  • Main Square: There are several squares in Choquequirao, including the Main Square and the Sunken Square, which are open spaces surrounded by buildings and structures.
  • Colcas: These platforms with internal subdivisions were common in the main Inca centers, and in Choquequirao they were used to store food products, clothing and other goods.
  • Agricultural terraces: Choquequirao has numerous agricultural terraces that were used to grow food. These terraces are an impressive display of Inca skill and engineering.
  • Houses: In the highest part of Choquequirao you can find up to five buildings that probably served as housing for the priests of the place.
  • The Ushnu: This oval platform-shaped construction is located on top of a hill. Due to the wall that surrounds it and its privileged view of the snow-capped mountains, the river and the entire enclosure, it is believed that it had an important religious function.

In addition, you can see the stunning landscapes. Choquequirao is located in an impressive natural environment, surrounded by mountains and vegetation. Visitors can enjoy breathtaking views of the surroundings while exploring the archaeological site.

What is the weather like in Cusco?

The climate in Cusco varies according to the times of the year.

  • The dry season (April to October): During this time, the weather in Cusco is generally dry and sunny, with temperatures ranging between 18°C and 20°C. The nights can be cold, with temperatures dropping up to 5° C. This is the best time to visit Cusco, as the weather conditions are ideal for exploring the city and doing outdoor activities such as hiking and excursions.
  • Rainy Season (November to March): During this time, Cusco experiences frequent rains and cooler temperatures, with an average temperature of 16°C. The nights can be colder, with temperatures dropping up to 3° C. The rain can be quite intense and prolonged, which can make it difficult to carry out outdoor activities.

It is important to keep in mind that the weather in Cusco can be unpredictable, even during the dry season. It is advisable to wear clothes suitable for the weather and be prepared for sudden changes in temperature and rain.

What is Choquequirao?

Choquequirao is an Inca archaeological site located in the Cusco region, near the Vilcabamba mountain range. It is often called the “younger sister” of Machu Picchu due to their similarities in architecture and design, and is a popular destination for those interested in Inca history and culture.

Choquequirao is an Inca citadel that is believed to have been built in the fifteenth century. It is located on a ridge high up in the Apurimac River valley, at an altitude of about 3,050 meters above sea level. The archaeological site covers a large area, with numerous buildings, agricultural terraces and aqueduct systems, and it is believed that at its peak, it may have been home to up to 10,000 people.

What should I bring to my trip to Cusco?

If you are planning a trip to Cusco, there are some important items that you should take with you to make sure that you are comfortable and prepared for any situation. Some of the items you might consider carrying are:

  1. Appropriate clothing: Due to the variability of the weather in Cusco, it is important that you bring appropriate clothing for different weather conditions. It includes warm clothes for cold nights, comfortable clothes for walking and comfortable and sturdy shoes for exploring the ruins and trails.
  2. Sunscreen: The altitude of Cusco means that the sun can be very strong during the day, so it is important to carry sunscreen to protect your skin.
  3. Water bottle: Altitude can also cause dehydration, so it’s important to stay hydrated.
  4. Medications: If you take any medications regularly, make sure to bring enough for your trip. It is also a good idea to carry some basic medicines for headaches, upset stomach and colds.
  5. Cash: Although most places in Cusco accept credit cards, it is advisable to carry cash in Peruvian soles to make purchases at local markets, pay for taxis and tips.
  6. Plug Adapter: If you are coming from another country, you may need a plug adapter for electrical outlets in Peru.
  7. Camera: Cusco is a beautiful place with many interesting landscapes and tourist attractions, so you will want to capture many memories in photos or videos.

How difficult is the route to Choquequirao?

The route to Choquequirao is considered a challenging trekking route. Due to its length and steep terrain. The walk usually lasts between 4 days, and a good physical condition is required to complete it. The trekking includes long uphill and downhill hikes, so it is recommended that walkers have previous trekking experience and be in good physical shape before attempting this route.

In addition, the trek to Choquequirao requires camping in remote places and carrying all the necessary equipment and supplies, so it is important to be prepared to carry a heavy backpack and be willing to camp in basic conditions. Although the hike is challenging, the natural beauty of the landscape and the cultural richness of the archaeological site of Choquequirao make the experience worthwhile.

What camps will you visit during the trek?

  • Rosalina Beach Camp: The camp is located in the canyon of the Apurimac River. This camp is the first rest point on the trekking route to Choquequirao, and is about a 3-4 hour hike from Cachora. Rosalina Beach Campground is a popular place for overnight camping. It offers basic facilities such as toilets and showers, as well as tents for rent.
  • Maranpata Campground: Maranpata is another popular camping spot located on the trekking route to Choquequirao. This camp is located about a 7-8 hour walk from the village of Cachora, after passing through Rosalina Beach and the Apurimac River crossing. What makes the Maranpata campground an attractive place to camp is its location on the side of a mountain with stunning views of the canyon and the Apurimac River. It is an ideal place to rest after a long day of hiking and to prepare for the last leg of the hike to Choquequirao.
  • Chiquisca Campground: Chiquisca is a basic campground that offers toilet facilities and showers, as well as space for camping. What makes the Chiquisca campground an attractive place to camp are its amazing views of the canyon and the Apurimac River.
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"Choquequirao trekking 4D / 3N"
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