Spiritual Area and Values

Spiritual Area and Values

Cusco Tours Peru

Is a Christian company with a noble mission: to provide comprehensive support to children, strengthening their spiritual area and values. Our main purpose is to share the love of God and the principles found in the Bible, fostering a solid foundation of faith and values in the lives of the little ones.

To achieve this goal, we organize various activities and programs that promote the Christian faith. These include reading and studying the Word of God, Bible studies adapted to their age and stage of development, and discipleship opportunities for children to grow in their knowledge and relationship with God.

At Cusco Tours Peru we firmly believe that the Bible is the Word of God and that its teaching is essential for the integral development of children. Christian values, such as love, compassion, honesty, humility and forgiveness, are fundamental to their formation as individuals of integrity and with a positive impact on society.

Our vision is to provide a safe and nurturing environment where children can learn about biblical principles in a dynamic and meaningful way. We want them to experience God’s love and compassion through relationships with our volunteers and leaders, who act as role models, guiding them in their spiritual growth.

We believe in the importance of collaboration with parents and the community to make this work even more effective. By working together, we can reinforce the values taught at home and at church, generating a more significant impact in the lives of children.

If you are interested in helping in the area of values and contributing to our work, contact us and be part of this great adventure.

Thank you for your interest in supporting our cause! May God’s love and grace accompany you in every step you take.

Personnel needed for:

  • Teachers and/or volunteers (evangelical Christians).
  • Designers of audiovisual materials.
  • Logistical personnel (usually the teachers and/or volunteers themselves): Tasks to be carried out corresponding to their area.
    • Printing, copying and cutting.
    • Purchase of dramatization materials.
    • Purchase of refreshments.

The servers and volunteers full of love and commitment have the following specific tasks:

  • Read stories and tales about values and the family. With the fundamental purpose that the lives of families are impacted and transformed by the power of the word of God.
  • Memorizing biblical texts (children and adolescents). This will also allow the renewal of their mentality which will bring change in their conception of present and future life.
  • Giving example (testimony).
  • Activities about the family and with the family (theater, workshops, talks, etc.).

For the development of these activities the following materials will be required.

  • Prints of stories, stories and values.
  • Prints of figures to color corresponding to the theme.
  • Booklets of the memorized texts.
  • Printer to be used from the Foundation.
  • Theatricalization of the teaching.

These materials per month have the following budget:

1Teacher and/or volunteer tickets1 per.60.00
2Bond paper for printed stories1 thousand28.00
3Bond paper for coloring figures1 thousand28:00
4Cardboard thread for the text booklets½ thousand200.00
5Theater materials (various)Varied100.00
6Family activitiesVarious100.00
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